

Methods are functions that give data the ability to exhibit behavior.

  • Methods are functions that declare a receiver variable.
  • Receivers bind a method to a type and can use value or pointer semantics.
  • Value semantics mean a copy of the value is passed across program boundaries.
  • Pointer semantics mean a copy of the values address is passed across program boundaries.
  • Stick to a single semantic for a given type and be consistent.

We will start talking about methods, but we really will start talking about is decoupling. Up until now, we’ve been really talking about the concrete data.

//      --------------
//  ^   | Behavior   |
//  |   | Decoupling |
//  |   |------------|
//  |   | Concrete   |
//  |   | Data       |
//      --------------

Declare and Receiver Behavior

Go has functions, but Go also has the concept of a method. A method is a function, a function that has what we call a receiver.

Sample program to show how to declare methods and how the Go compiler supports them.

// user defines a user in the program.
type user struct {
	name  string
	email string

// notify implements a method with a value receiver: u of type user
func (u user) notify() {
	fmt.Printf("Sending User Email To %s<%s>\n",,

In Go, a function is called a method if that function has receiver declared within itself. It looks and feels like a parameter but it is exactly what it is. Using the value receiver, the method operates on its own copy of the value that is used to make the call.

// changeEmail implements a method with a pointer receiver: u of type pointer user
func (u *user) changeEmail(email string) { = email

Using the pointer reciever, the method operates on shared access.

These 2 methods above are just for studying the difference between a value receiver and a pointer receiver. In production, we will have to ask ourself why we choose to use inconsistent receiver’s type.

Should I be using a value receiver or should I be using a pointer receiver? A lot of Go developers get stuck and they don’t know what to do. Too many Go developers, especially early on, start doing this — if the method I am writing has to mutate the data, I’ll use a pointer receiver. I’ll share the data in. But if the method doesn’t have to mutate, I’ll use a value receiver. I’ll let it just have a copy. This is very bad, we cannot do this.

// Values of type user can be used to call methods declared with both value
// and pointer receivers.
bill := user{"Bill", ""}

// Pointers of type user can also be used to call methods declared with both
// value and pointer receiver.
joan := &user{"Joan", ""}

joan in this example is a pointer that has the type *user. We are still able to call notify. This is still correct. As long as we deal with the type user, Go can adjust to make the call.

Behind the scene, we have something like (*joan).notify(). Go will take the value that joan points to and make sure that notify leverages its value semantic and works on its own copy.

Similarly, bill has the type user but still be able to call changeEmail. Go will take the address of bill and do the rest for you: (*bill).changeEmail().

Value and Pointer Semantics

General guidelines on when to be using value semantics and when to be using pointer semantics. There are exceptions to everything. Remember, semantic consistency is everything.

  1. If you are working with the built-in types, strings, numerics, and bool, you are to be using value semantics. Including fields in a struct.
  2. Value semantics for reference types (slice, map, channel, interface). (There’s one exception to this, however. A slice and a map, you may take the address of a slice or a map only if you’re sharing it down the call-stack and to a function that’s either named decode or un-marshall.)
  3. User-defined types/struct types: you’ve got to choose, if you’re defining your own struct type, what semantic is going to be in play. If you’re not sure what to use then we’re going to use those pointer semantics. Then if you’re absolutely sure that we can use value semantics, we want to use those value semantics. They’re really our first choice.

Take a look at some standard library code. These is a named type from the net package.

type IP []byte // new type named IP which is based on slice of bytes.
type IPMask []byte

IP and IPMask are reference types. Since we use value semantics for reference types, the implementation is using value semantics for both.

func (ip IP) Mask(mask IPMask) IP {}

Mask is using a value receiver and returning a value of type IP. This method is using value semantics for type IP.

func ipEmptyString(ip IP) string {
	if len(ip) == 0 {
		return ""
	return ip.String()

ipEmptyString accepts a value of type IP and returns a value of type string. The function is using value semantics for type IP.

Pointer semantic

We pulled this out of the standard library Time package.

type Time struct {
	sec  int64
	nsec int32
	loc  *Location

func Now() Time {
	sec, nsec := now()
	return Time{sec + unixToInternal, nsec, Local}

Should Time use value or pointer semantics? If you need to modify a time value should you mutate the value or create a new one?

The best way to understand what semantic is going to be used is to look at the factory function for type. It dictates the semantics that will be used. In this example, the Now function returns a value of type Time. It is making a copy of its Time value and passing it back up. This means Time value can be on the stack. We should be using value semantic all the way through.

// Add is using a value receiver and returning a value of type Time. This
// method is using value semantics for Time.
func (t Time) Add(d Duration) Time {
	t.sec += int64(d / 1e9)
	nsec := int32(t.nsec) + int32(d%1e9)
	if nsec >= 1e9 {
		nsec -= 1e9
	} else if nsec < 0 {
		nsec += 1e9
	t.nsec = nsec
	return t

Add is a mutation operation. If we go with the idea that we should be using pointer semantic when we mutate something and value semantic when we don’t, then Add is implemented wrong. However, it has not been wrong because it is the type that has to drive the semantic, not the implementation of the method. The method must adhere to the semantic that we choose. Add is using a value receiver and returning a value of type Time. It is mutating its local copy and returning to us something new.

Here’s another example:

// div accepts a value of type Time and returns values of built-in types.
// The function is using value semantics for type Time.
func div(t Time, d Duration) (qmod2 int, r Duration) {
	// Code here
// The only use pointer semantics for the `Time` api are these
// unmarshal related functions.
func (t *Time) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
func (t *Time) GobDecode(data []byte) error {
func (t *Time) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
func (t *Time) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error {

I told you there are exceptions to everything, and here’s one of those exceptions.

When you are implementing or using functions that have un-marshall or decode in it they require naturally to have pointer semantics. You need to share because they will be mutated. So here are four APIs in the Time package that are switching semantics from value to pointer.

Here is a factory function for the file, for OS:

// Factory functions dictate the semantics that will be used. The Open function
// returns a pointer of type File. This means we should be using pointer
// semantics and share File values.
func Open(name string) (file *File, err error) {
	return OpenFile(name, O_RDONLY, 0)

Notice that this factory function returns not a value of type file but a pointer of type file. It means that pointer semantics are at play. It also means that you do not have a right to make a copy of a value that a pointer points to when it’s been shared with you like that. Assume that it is dangerous to make copies if something has been shared.

Function/Method Variables

Methods are really just made up. They are not real. All we have is state and all we have is functions. Methods give us this syntactic sugar, that this belief system that a piece of data has behavior.

Sample program to show how to declare function variables.

// data is a struct to bind methods to.
type data struct {
	name string
	age  int

type bill data

Does this new type bill have behavior like data does?

There is no behavior associated with bill data. All of the behavior is only still associated with data. Why is this? One, because these methods are not declared inside the type, like you would see in a class-based/OOP system, they’re declared outside the type. This is Go, separating state from behavior. There is no OOP in GO. So, understand that even though bill is based on data, the basing is based on its memory model, not on this idea of behavior.

Methods are just functions

// Declare a variable of type data.
d := data{
    name: "Bill",

fmt.Println("Proper Calls to Methods:")

// How we actually call methods in Go.

fmt.Println("\nWhat the Compiler is Doing:")

// This is what Go is doing underneath.
(*data).setAge(&d, 45)

This is what Go is doing underneath. When we call d.displayName(), the compiler will call data.displayName, showing that we are using a value receiver of type data, and pass the data in as the first parameter. Taking a look at the function again: func (d data) displayName(), that receiver is the parameter because it is truly a parameter. It is the first parameter to a function that call displayName. Similar to d.setAge(45). Go is calling a function that based on the pointer receiver and passing data to its parameters. We are adjusting to make the call by taking the address of d.

Function variable

fmt.Println("\nCall Value Receiver Methods with Variable:")

f1 := d.displayName

Declare a function variable for the method bound to the d variable. The function variable will get its own copy of d because the method is using a value receiver. f1 is now a reference type: a pointer variable. We don’t call the method here. There is no () at the end of displayName.


Call the method via the variable.

// We have a level of indirection (decoupling), two pointers to get to the code

//  -----
// |  *  | --> code
//  -----
// |  *  | --> copy of d
//  -----

f1 is pointer and it points to a special 2 word data structure. The first word points to the code for that method we want to execute, which is displayName in this case. We cannot call displayName unless we have a value of type data. So the second word is a pointer to the copy of data. displayName uses a value receiver so it works on its own copy. When we make an assignment to f1, we are having a copy of d.

// Change the value of d. = "Joan"

// Call the method via the variable. We don't see the change.

When we change the value of d to “Joan”, f1 is not going to see the change.

However, if we do this again if f2, then we will see the change:

fmt.Println("\nCall Pointer Receiver Method with Variable:")

// Declare a function variable for the method bound to the d variable.
// The function variable will get the address of d because the method
// is using a pointer receiver.
f2 := d.setAge

// Call the method via the variable.

// Change the value of d. = "Sammy"

// Call the method via the variable. We see the change.
// 2 word data structure

//  -----
// |  *  | --> code
//  -----
// |  *  | --> original d
//  -----

f2 is also a pointer that has 2 word data structure. The first word points to setAge, but the second words doesn’t point to its copy any more, but to its original.

Escape analysis flaw

We have double indirection to get to the data, and the escape analysis algorithm has a flaw in that, once we have indirection like this, the escape analysis can’t track whether or not this value can stay on a stack or not. In other words, even though there’s no reason for d to end up on the heap, it has to now allocate.